Monday 19 April 2010

Vampire Themed Drinks for The Point release Day.

Well, today I’m going to break in this brand new blog with not one but two recipes for lovely, refreshing drinks. One is alcoholic and the other is not and they both have a vampire theme as today my ebook The Point is released from Total-E-Bound So before the recipe, here’s my book cover and blurb.

Book one in the Point Vamp Series

Love conquers all, that is the point but can it bridge the differences between a vampire and a woman?

Hugh is twenty eight. He has been twenty eight for nearly one hundred years. Hugh is a vampire. He owns a club called The Point and he pays girls to have sex with him. He then counts to ten as he sucks their blood to semi-satisfy his lust.

Elizabeth is a doctor, she loves her job but likes to escape into the countryside now and then. When she twists her ankle Hugh comes to her aid. He carries her curvy form all the way back to his home. He takes care of her ankle and the rest of her body too but he goes too far and sucks her perfectly intoxicating blood.

How can these two lovers have any kind of relationship? They don’t know, only time will reveal the answers.

And now, onto the drinks and later a competiton. First, I’m going to give you the recipe for The Point Smoothie. This is a fresh, fruit and yoghurt smoothie that is suitable for adults and kids alike. The end colour is deep, dark, pink if you wanted to make it even more blood like you could add a little red food colouring, I didn’t because I like to keep things natural, especially as I was letting my daughter have some of my smoothie! I found this on smoothie web and adapted it into more of a raspberry smoothie as I love raspberries. This recipe makes enough for two big glasses full or four smaller, kid friendly glasses full.

The Point Smoothie.

1 ½ cups raspberries (or approximately 1 punnet of raspeberries)
2/3 cup cranberry—raspberry Juice
6oz raspberry yoghurt (1 ½ standard pots approximately)
1 ½ cups ice.
Note: for Brit readers who don’t have American cup measures a small tea cup is the size you want, not a mug! Instructions:

Bung it all in a blender and blend. Or if you have one of those stick blenders bung all ingredients in a jug and blend with your stick blender.It is as simple as that. You can then add more yoghurt or more cranberry—raspberry juice to make a thicker or thinner smoothie.It is a very refreshing drink which is thick and a little milky from the yoghurt but mostly it is rich and fruity with the taste of tangy raspberries.

And now onto the alcoholic drink, this one folks is for us adults. I was looking for inspiration and found a page of Vampire Cocktails on Squidoo by Lou16 and the Vampire’s delight I saw there inspired the following drink:

This recipe makes enough to fill two wine glasses.

The Point Cocktail.

1 floz Dark Rum.
1 ripe banana
3 scoops vanilla ice cream
A Squeeze (about 1tsp)lemon or lime juice
Grenadine (to coat glasses)

Combine the rum, vanilla and ice cream in a blender. (This will take a minute, you might want to add a little water if your mix seems very thick). Now have a little taste and squeeze in lemon or lime juice (I had lemon in but I think lime would be better) and blend again. Repeat until the desired flavour is achieved. You could add more rum too, if you desire but I’m a bit of an alcohol wimp myself though Rum is my favourite tipple. You don't much taste the banana either, it's the rum you taste mostly with the creamy ice-cream.

Now take one of your two wine glasses and the bottle of grenadine and pour just a little onto the sides of the glass and swirl it around so it coats the sides. Or, like me, if your grenadine has been in the fridge (and is at least 8 years old *L*) use a straw to pull out some of the set grenadine and smear it all around the inside of the glass, it leaves an interesting smeared appearance that way. Repeat in the other wine glass then pour in the blended ice cream and rum mix. Drink and enjoy.

This is somewhat like rum and raisin ice cream without the raisins but the citrus tones down the sweetness quite a bit. It is very unctuous and feels very decadent flowing down your throat, but don’t trust me, make one yourself.

Now, on to the competition. I am sure, like me, you were disappointed with the cocktail’s name. I’ve not been able to think of something suitably vampiric, so folks, it is over to you! I want you to name my cocktail and in return I will give you an awesome prize.

Firstly, your cocktail name will feature in a future Point Vamp book and secondly you will receive an assortment of The Point goodies including a t—shirt, signed bookmarks, magnets and some special, secret vampiric treats and a $15 gift voucher to spend on ebooks. Simply email your Cocktail name to me at victoria @ victoriablisse .co .uk (no spaces) and title your mail “Point Vamp Cocktail Competition” by the 1st of May to be in with a chance to win this unique prize or comment on my posts about this competition on facebook, those suggestions will go into the hat as well!

But because I’m so generous I’m giving away TWO other Blisseful Vamp prizes. These prizes will include The Point Magnets and Bookmarks as well as other Blisse goodies (some signed) and some special, secret Vampiric treats and a $10 gift certificate to spend on ebooks of your choice. To win one of these prizes all you have to do is:

Tweet about my competition at sure you mention @victoriablisse so I know you’ve done it!) if you follow me I will be tweeting about my competition regularly and so you can RT my message and that will count as an entry into this competition.

Or you can mention my competition in a facebook message ( use @Victoria Blisse so I will see it) again, if you add me as a friend you’ll be able to ‘share’ my status updates with your friends and that will count as an entry.

And one last chance to win. Take a photo of yourself drinking your ‘The Point’ Vamp Cocktail and either email it to me victoria @ uk (No spaces) or upload them to the photo album on the Victoria Blisse fan page on facebook . If you are tee-total or don't like/have rum you may upload a photo of yourself drinking a 'The Point' smoothie instead in the same photo album or email it to the address mentioned above.

Then you will get a chance to win a Blisseful vamp prize pack too!

I’m terribly good to you all aren’t I? Oh, yes I am. The deadline for entries to all 3 of these competitions is the 1st May. All 3 will be kept seperate and drawn seperately. All names will be placed into a hat and drawn by my handsome assistant (my husband) and then I shall email all the winners (or notify you on twitter or facebook if applicable) to ask for your snail mail address.

So you have a couple of weeks to get your entries in.So engage your brain (make up a cocktail name)exercise your fingers (spread the news on facebook and twitter) and then get yourself a little tipsy (photo yourself drinkingThe Point cocktail) and then hopefully you’ll win an awesome prize!