Thursday 28 October 2010

Last 12 Hours to Vote!

Well, less than that now. First Time Fang Bang is still in need of votes even though I have broken the 500 votes mark! Thank you all so much for your help! I am bowled over by all the votes and I know you must be getting a little sick of me harping on but the end is nigh. If I get through to the final it will winish on Sunday, so please, help First Time Fang Bang into the Final.


I've been getting great feedback from you about my hot little vampire threesome, I'm glad you are enjoying it as I had great fun writing it! If you've not read it yet please pop on over to All Romance Ebooks and check out the Just One Bite Contest and give it a read then a vote if you're so inclined. Email me victoria @ victoriablisse. co. uk (no spaces) to let me know you've voted and I'll send you 2 free reads and put you in the draws to win a Print copy of Night of the senses and 1 of 5 short, personalised stories. If I get to 600 people I will DOUBLE the number of personal stories I give away to TEN!

If you've read and voted already, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I appreciate it a great deal. But I'd love it if you'd help me get the word out about First Time Fang Bang. Tell your friends about it, ask them to vote and email me and YOU will get an extra entry into the personalised stories draw.

Tweet it or facebook it

@victoriablisse Read First Time Fang Bang and vote in the Just One Bite Contest and Win Big!

and I'll give you an extra entry. Post about it on your blogs, and on forums you frequent and email me the link and you can have an extra entry for every link you send me. Lets get the word out, lets get to 600 votes and let's get First Time Fang Bang into The Final!

There is no doubting the competition is tough, really tough and I admire greatly all my competitors but I still want to win, that's not evil, is it? :)


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